Sunday 13 June 2010


Bring on the summer! 

Last week was the end of my second year. That’s right, only one more year as a student (unless I go for the MA) this terrifies me but at the same time is very exciting. 

I have to say that after just two days of work experience, the prospect of life without uni and the idea of having to work for a living is a lot less daunting.
I feel a more connected to where I want to be and I’ve gained confidence in my ability to make something of myself. If just two days working with a professional has had this kind of effect, I can’t wait to see what happens if get something longer during the summer.

Speaking of work experience, I’m still waiting to get permission and ask a few more questions before I put all my behind the scenes stuff up on here, so should have it up before the end of the week.

This week:
I had a great trip to see some friends in Durham but since I got back I’ve basically been sat around waiting to go home.

Apart from watching the whole series of Luther and finding out video games aren’t as fun without deadlines looming, I’ve been going through my portrait work and trying to plan more.

Here are two shots of my friend Sam who I stayed with in London, I didn’t take my reflector which is frustrating (yes I'm talking to you annoying shadow!) but I really quite like the first shot.