Friday 11 December 2009

Touch was the title of the brief I gave myself this week. Again I won't bore you with the complete thing.
I left it a bit wide open on purpose, I had about 3 minutes left to upload the brief and still hadn't decided what I should do. Organised as always!
As for the result...
I think the lack of focus and meaning really shows through with these images. They aren't bad looking (excluding the middle one) just a bit plain and don't suggest or ask anything from you.It probably doesn't help they are in fact a preview of a larger series, simply because thats what my brief asked for.

This is the end of our one week briefs project and I'm not sure if I'm relieved or worried about going back to the long term way of doing things...
Sure long term is less pressure but is that a good thing? I've had ups and downs the last 5 weeks but I have come out the other side with quite a few ideas that I think almost worked and definitely have more to give.
I have a good idea for a long term project,
A good starting point for some more fashion studio work
and even something for some fashion based location stuff.
So I have to admit, all though I wasn't a fan of this project at the beginning, I now see the benefit.One week briefs;
Brilliant for generating lots of interesting ideas but as for generating good work.... hmm not so sure.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Time machine!

Christmas party tonight!
Sat waiting for Jen to get ready (as always) waiting to go pre-drink at the house of Dans.
So as well as starting drinking while I wait I thought I'd have a look through some of my old pictures, found this Gem that is always going to frustrate me!
Took it when I was young, innocent and naive, I had never heard of this mysterious RAW format and shot it as a jpeg. This has annoyed me ever since.

I love this photo but look at it on any large scale and, well you can't.
So here's a quick preview until I eventually get round to properly putting in some time to fix it up.
Sorry it's a little dark, still not found the best way to convert things to jpeg without the colours doing what they please. 

I'm looking to reshoot this image as soon as I find someone that I think will work. I lit the original with the glow from a large LCD TV but I've been told by my girlfriend this isn't a good enough excuse to go and buy one for myself.

Friday 4 December 2009

Brief 4!

The result of this weeks project.
Left a tiny bit late as always but came out ok I think.
Each week we have to give ourselves a almost professional brief. Real world kinda stuff.
I won't bore you with the full brief but I created one that was a gallery commission to create a miniseries.
They supposedly wanted a set from 3 to 8 images around the theme "sleep and consciousness"
This is supposedly my preview submission of just 3 out of 8.

If this was real I would have made a book (square, roughly 30cm sides)
I am still thinking about a name for it or if it needs one at all.
I don't know if its too ambiguous for people to get it themselves as they look through, which is what I would prefer but I don't want to give it away straight off with the title.

Oh and I forgot to say I'm thinking of doing it as a long term project with dozens or maybe over a hundred pages which I guess would make the theme/meaning more apparent.
Anyway, it would be nice to hear what you think.

(pssst, just incase... it's about what we think about as we are trying to get to sleep)